
Friday, December 07, 2012

The Art of the Outdoors

... to be continued. -- O'fieldstream

It's about the FLY

The world of fly-fishing is a complex, guarded - yet free-wheeling world of traditional feeding lanes conflict with edgy currents.  Today's world of fly-fishing is such a world, more so than ever before.
Yet, no matter how fluid the world of fly-fishing becomes, it's still about... The Fly.
A friend posted an interesting photograph the other day, that consisted of a number of old, broken, worn-out fishing flies, attached to a pole.  He labled it as a photo of a 'Fly Cemetery'.  I looked at the photo and was struck by the visual.  I posted the following as a comment on that photo:
Cool idea! Never thought of it like this. But instead of cemetery .. I'd say it's more a Tribute Poll ... to old friends who served you well.  Flies are not just things. They are the connection between...  between, the fisherman and the fish. The fly is the first thing that both fisherman and fish connect to and the parting point we both enjoy.  Flies are special.
After writing this I got to seriously thinking about what I'd said .. and realized, this was an important point for fly-fishing.  The part which caught my senses the most was the following:
Flies are not just things. They are the connection between...  between, the fisherman and the fish. The fly is the first thing that both fisherman and fish connect to and the parting point we both enjoy.
Think about it.  The one thing that is common to every fly-fisherman and every fish caught on a fly .. is - The Fly.
No wonder the person who ties their own flies, feels such a connection to their activity on the water. No wonder such a feeling of accomplishment, connection, deep-emotion is felt when a fish takes the presented creation.
This IS big; very big.  It's just downright special.
So that pole-of-used-flies, truly is a Tribute Poll.  Some may say a totem to their service as inanimate partners.  If those flies came to be at your own hands, they are your children-in-collaboration.  The combined effort of seduction and deciet; you and the fly; in a game as old as life itself.

The Black Dose
an eLITHOGRAPH by Les Booth
for OOAK Digital Gallery

Fly Tyers Supplicate
I think that I shall never tie,
The likeness of the Perfect Fly.
For flies are tied to lie you see,
Truth made plain, not readily.
To whom you seek reply,
Yet answer remains to be?
The fish, the fool ...and the fly, go Thee.
May we who choose to fly, do so with reverance for that bit of feather and fur which make it all possible to live such a wonderous life we lead.
For the ... The Fly is Special.  Special indeed.
